Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Love Theatre

I love theatre. I really do. I have never been to Broadway but I have been to traveling Broadway Shows and professional shows. I have attended local Professional Theatre and Community Theatre and don't forget High School shows too. Okay sure mostly it is because my son has been in shows since 4th grade and is now a Fine Arts Major. OR is he a Theatre Major BECAUSE I have a love for theatre and took him to his first performance of Power Rangers on stage when he was really little??? That is an interesting question. I think I shall take full credit for his talent.

Last week I went to see a show at Stray Dog Theatre. It was the Who's rock opera Tommy. Yes, THAT Tommy from back in 1969 that we all listened to on our record players. I will admit that I never bought the album. I guess I was not into The Who. Of course I knew the singles from the album. But never really what the story was. So off I went with Juanita who had won the tickets at the Trivia a few weeks ago. Ryan came with us. He paid but did not care. He is a theatre geek and he knew almost everyone in the show and half of the folks in the audience!

I will tell you that it was an AWESOME show. I usually think anything that Ryan is in is awesome but I am not afraid to be critical of all shows, even those Ryan is in. When he is not in the show I am ready to find fault. I will criticize even the smallest thing. I show no mercy. I was ready to tear this show apart but Tommy was great!  I just love how a good show stays with you even days later.
Stray Dog Theatre is a great organization. Two guys bought an old church and turned it into a theatre. It is cozy and quaint. It is intimate and crazy. It still looks like a church, pews, Jesus stained glass You get the idea. It is original. They do good work. Outreach, after school programs. Plus they are really nice people. And any one who takes my son under their wing is A-okay in my book!

Last year Ryan was in the Stray Dog Theatre production of Evil Dead:The Musical. Yep...that is what I thought too...What the heck??? I was less than thrilled. They even asked Ryan to sing in their Cabaret fund raiser. So who am I to judge? He had such a good time. Other than a high school fund raiser Cabaret with a few people this was his first "real" Cabaret. He was delightful. They asked him back this year too. He is so funny.
And Evil Dead:The Musical was so much fun I saw it THREE TIMES. Well, you had to be skeptical when they sell the first 2 rows of the theatre as the "Splatter Zone" and give you a special T-Shirt because you will be splattered with "blood". Does this sound like something you would enjoy seeing you son in? Well, zombie son or not. It was funny!

And this brings us back to Stray Dog Theatre where the people are so nice. They genuinely support each other. They take risks and they have such amazing talent. The tickets were free, the people were nice, Of course that would never stop me from being a grouch and pointing out endless problems with Tommy, But there were none. It was a great night. I am so glad I went. I would even like to see it again! Stray Dog Theatre continues to impress me every time I am there.

OH and I bought a package of Twizzlers from the candy machine at work to take to the show with me fully intending to take a Twizzler picture, but I ate them at home before we even left for the show. Oops. But I did have Twizzlers and I did travel back to 1969 and Tommy. I love how theatre can transport you back in time and remind you what it was like to be a teenager. A talented cast and wonderful theatre can do that to you.


  1. Hi! It is Danika from Gorgeous Shiny Things. I just wanted to let you know you won the O'verlays and Pillow giveaway! Just email me your ship to. Thanks, have a great weekend!


    1. I am DELIGHTED!!!
      Cindy Cooper
      10506 Prestwick Dr.
      St. Louis, MO 63137

      This is such a lovely surprise!!!
      Thank you so very much!!!
