Friday, September 23, 2011

Trivia with Twizzlers

I like trivia. I know some pretty pointless things. I am not a genius. But if you ask me questions like who are the 7 dwarfs or what are the lyrics to Gilligan's Island theme song I am pretty good at that. Again, not a genius. So when a friend hosted a fundraiser I grabbed the Twizzlers and off we went.

We came in 3rd and won some money which we donationed back to the cause. Okay, so there were only 4 teams. But still, we did not come in last. Another friend of mine played drums in a band after the trivia. So before we packed it all in to head home, to watch the Emmy Awards, we had time for one dance.
Add friends, a band, a bar, some trivia and you have a great time! Sometimes on a rainy Sunday night all you need to do is answer some crazy questions and Twizzle,

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