Friday, September 23, 2011

Trivia with Twizzlers

I like trivia. I know some pretty pointless things. I am not a genius. But if you ask me questions like who are the 7 dwarfs or what are the lyrics to Gilligan's Island theme song I am pretty good at that. Again, not a genius. So when a friend hosted a fundraiser I grabbed the Twizzlers and off we went.

We came in 3rd and won some money which we donationed back to the cause. Okay, so there were only 4 teams. But still, we did not come in last. Another friend of mine played drums in a band after the trivia. So before we packed it all in to head home, to watch the Emmy Awards, we had time for one dance.
Add friends, a band, a bar, some trivia and you have a great time! Sometimes on a rainy Sunday night all you need to do is answer some crazy questions and Twizzle,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Twizzlers on Broadway? Well, not yet.....

Since there is no money to go on trips a girl needs to "travel" any way she can. Sometimes that just means getting out of the house. Twizzlers love to go see their favorite actor Ryan Cooper, so this summer they went to see him as Man in Chair in The Drowsy Chaperone. Super talented Ryan was amazing in this show. Of course he is amazing in every show..that is why he is our favorite actor..and favorite all round guy too.  After the show we broke out the Twizzlers for this picture. One day we will be taking our Twizzlers to Broadway to catch his act ♥

OH>>>>> before the show we went out for what we were told was great pizza....

It was NOT....I would say that explains the look on G's face but we had not even taken a bite yet. The Italian sausage left a lot to be desired. It was a little like the cheapest frozen pizza in the world. Oh well....that is why it is not called Traveling with PIZZA.